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Good Japan Opener With Rule Set # 1
The buy = IC and a trany...Attack pearl harbor with 2 BS carrier plane bomber sub & trany and 2 INF and a plane take Pearl. You are asking yourself what if that sub gets away and sinks my trany? Well no biggie cause this will cost USA a trany also. I really like this move in platoon play I really hate USA slipping away with that extra trany (kiss that 8-bid good-bye). China = 5-6 inf. and 3 planes that should be your attack hold Manchuria or FIC depends on what you want to do. Place IC in FIC or Manchuria and your ready to kick some tail next round. Non Combating bomber to Solomon's will set up a nice attack on Australia Round 2. If everything goes well Japan should be around 40 ipcs at the end of J3.
Germany's Opener...RR 2hit etc...
The Bid = 8 ipcs placing tank in Algeria & Inf in Libyia The buy = 8 Inf & a sub/trany blocker. N. Sea Attack = trany & sub from baltic sea and 4 fighters & a bomber. Fighter from West E attacks Labador trans. Sub attacks USA trans off of East USA. Africa: Blitz tank from Algeria through French West Africa to French Equatorail Afr...3 inf & a tank attacks Egypt & German Bismark kills UK sub in E. Med. Sea. Caucasus: =(Depending on how many Ussr inf)1 tnk 1 inf.